
This crossword was created by Daryl Hutchins with EclipseCrossword - www.eclipsecrossword.com

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  1. Low pH.
  2. A Peacock.
  3. Top fin.
  4. Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor.
  5. " Hard, thin, overlapping structures."
  6. Large Central American Cichlid.
  7. Lake Victorian Haplochomines.
  8. Western cichlid group.
  9. Dorsal.
  10. Aequidens itanyi - ...... Cichlid.
  11. Whitespot.
  12. Temperature controller.
  13. Fish food.
  14. The other bottom fin.
  15. Rose-Breasted Dwarf Cichlid.
  16. Median ...
  17. Undesirable cross between two species.
  18. Caudal.
  19. Cichlasoma citrinellum - ..... Cichlid.
  20. Home for small Tanganyikan.
  21. Dung eater.
  22. Stabilising appendages.
  23. Codliver ...
  24. Cichlid group north of the border.
  25. Freshwater copepod with large median eye.
  26. Lone Star cichlid.
  27. Pelvicachromis pulcher.
  28. Fine substrate.
  29. Symphysodon spp.
  30. Pterophyllum scalare.
  31. Tilapia buttikoferi
  32. Lake Malawi rock cichlids.
  33. African Rift Lake.
  34. Fish tank cleaner.
  35. Archocentrus nigrofasciatus.
  36. Jewel.
  37. Commonly farmed food fish.
  38. Cichlasoma managuense.
  39. Chanchito.
  40. Petenia splendida.
  41. Aerating device.
  42. ...fisherman.
  43. New World River.
  44. Bottom feeders.
  45. Sciaenochromis ahli/fryeri.
  46. ....... America.
  47. Dolphin Cichlid.


  1. Unicellular marine or freshwater colonial alga.
  2. Fish wastes and other accumulated solid matter.
  3. Tail fin.
  4. Mystery .....
  5. Theraps maculicauda.
  6. An Asian Cichlid.
  7. Breathing organs.
  8. Cichlidae (German).
  9. Cyanobacterium valued as food supplement for its high protein content.
  10. Triangle.
  11. Tangerine Zebra.
  12. Dwarf Auratus.
  13. " Chiefly aquatic, eukaryotic, photosynthetic organisms."
  14. Krib.
  15. ... Devil.
  16. Brineshrimp’s free-swimming first stage.
  17. Aquatic worm used as live food.
  18. Brichard’s Teleogramma.
  19. Simple living aquatic organism.
  20. Cares for its young.
  21. Outdoor fish accommodation.
  22. African river.
  23. Small cichlid.
  24. Astronotus ocellatus.
  25. Southern cichlid group.
  26. Aequidens curviceps - .... Acara.
  27. Pseudotropheus crabro.
  28. Crenichla.
  29. Green .......
  30. Caring family.
  31. Hardness.
  32. " Fish, where birds sit."
  33. Live food.
  34. Water flea.
  35. Northern cichlid group.
  36. Tool for capturing fish.
  37. River (Spanish).
  38. Logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen ion concentration.
  39. American Cichlid Group.
  40. Angels.
  41. Pseudotropheus crabro.
  42. Uaru amphiacanthoides - ........ Cichlid.
  43. Whiskers.
  44. Open-water Malawians.
  45. Small animals and plants that encrust hard substrates.
  46. Cleithracara maronii.
  47. Coarse substrate.
  48. Bottom fin.
  49. Container for fish.
  50. African river.

This crossword puzzle was created by Daryl Hutchins with EclipseCrossword. Try it today—it's free!