- Small cichlid (5).
- Nanostomus beckfordi (10).
- Temperature controller (6).
- Doryrhamphus dactyliophorus (8).
- Mystery .... (5).
- Whitespot (3).
- Top fin (6).
- Rooseveltiella nattereri (7).
- Protein remover (7).
- Cyathopharynx furcifer (10).
- An Asian Cichlid (8).
- Coarse substrate (6).
- Small animals and plants that encrust hard substrates (8).
- "After, among, distal to, beyond, behind (prefix) (4)."
- African Rift Lake (6).
- Triangle Cichlid (4).
- Green ...... (6).
- Aequidens portalegrensis (4).
- Home for small Tanganyikan (4).
- The other bottom fin (4).
- Tool for capturing fish (3).
- Rhodeus sericeus amerus (10).
- Astronotus ocellatus (5).
- Low Ph (4).
- Aerating device (4).
- "Half, partly (prefix) (4)."
- Myleus rubripinnis rubripinnis (4).
- Betta splendens (7).
- "Dolphin Cichlid (9,6)."
- Hardness (2).
- Water cleaner (6).
- Unicellular marine or freshwater colonial alga (6).
- Fish type; or where birds sit (5).
- Composed of spines (7).
- A southern constellation (6).
- "Chiefly aquatic, eukaryotic, photosynthetic organisms (4)."
- Cichlasoma salvini (8).
- Carbonate hardness (2).
- Undesirable cross between two species (6).
- Crenicichla lepidota (4).
- Cichlid group north of the border (5).
- Pseudosphromenus cupanus (9).
- Xiphophorus maculatus (5).
- High pH (8).
- Parambassis ranga (9).
- The eggs of fishes (5).
- Tilapia buttikoferi (6).
- Ecsenius australianus (6).
- Median ..(3).
- Poecilia reticulata (5).
- Parachromis dovii (4).
- Aequidens itanyi - ...... Cichlid (7).
- "Outside, beyond (prefix) (5)."
- "Current, flowing (prefix) (4)."
- Loricaria parva (8).
- Cichlasoma biocellatum (7).
- "Fish with circular, suctorial mouth with horny teeth (7)."
- Home of Jurassic Cichlids (10).
- Logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen ion concentration (2).
- Guppies and Swortails are ………… (11).
- Long fish (3).
- Tail fin (6).
- Lake Victorian Haplochomines (4).
- Fish food (5).
- Brineshrimp’s free-swimming first stage (7).
- Steatocranus casuarius (8).
- River (Spanish) (3).
- Hypostomus plecostomus (5).
- … fisherman (3333).
- Antennarius coccineus (10).
- Theraps maculicauda (9).
- Brachydanio rerio (5).
- Simple living aquatic organisms (5).
- Parapetenia managuense (6).
- Dorsal (3).
- Toxotes jaculator (10).
- Carassius auratus (8).
- Pelvicachromis pulcher (9).
- … Devil (3).
- Without oxygen (9).
- Paracheirodon axelrodi (8).
- Western cichlid group (3).
- "Small, shrimp-like crustaceans (5)."
- Rasbora heteromorpha (9).
- "Middle, intermediate (prefix) (4)."
- A fin that cichlids don't have (7).
- North American Cichlid (5).
- Archocentrus nigrofasciatus (7).
- "Hard, thin, overlapping structures (6)."
- Light fish (4).
- Container for fish (4).
- American Cichlid Group (3).
- Pelvicachromis pulcher (4).
- Northern cichlid group (3).
- Maccullochella peelii (3).