Page 23 - iCC044-201501_March
P. 23

my favourite fish store, I   Kite!” Kite is the name for the large Green cal filtration materials from the filters.
                     brought the breeding col-
                     ony to an end by bringing    Severum; he’s really placid and just drifts Within three days, I saw that almost all of
                     those females and juveniles
                     to the shop. Yes, we’re      around the tank like a big kite, hence the the fish were erupting with the parasites
                     talking dozens of fish. In
                     the process, I noticed that  name. I asked what “wrong” meant. She and the tell-tale signs on Kite were becom-
                     they had some new arriv-
                     als, in particular several   said that his whole body looks like some- ing even worse. He looked like he was
                     Green Terrors (Aequidens
                     rivulatus). Contrary to      one poured salt all over him.                    coated in a layer of plaster that was crack-
                     popular folklore, the
                     name is a bit of a mis-      Uh Oh!!! I know what that means. We ing away, and his fins were decaying at an
                     nomer. They are cichlids,
                     so yes, when they are in     have an “ich” infestation.                       alarming rate.
                     “breeding mode”, they can
                     be as aggressive as any        Now, I’ve seen these before, and I’ve            With that, I knew it was only a matter of
                     other cichlid species, but   treated them in the past, so I figured, well,    time. Some of the smaller convicts were
no more so. As I was looking at them              this shouldn’t be too big a deal. Since I’d      the first to go on Wednesday, then some
I thought “wow, what a great time to              needed to get medication anyway, I figured       of the larger Convicts followed suit. Kite,
balance out the tank with a new species”.         I’d pick it up the next day and start treat-     my oldest and longest-lived veteran of my
With Acara (Green Terrors being part of           ment when I got home. For good measure,          tank, at 12 years, succumbed to the dis-
this family of cichlids) and Convicts, as         I’d do another large water change so that        ease on Friday morning. Over the next
well as my main tank denizen, a Green             I could limit the spread of the problem.         three days, roughly every 12 hours, another
Severum (Heros efasciatus), coming from           Unfortunately, my hospital tank was not set      fish would die until finally I was left with
similar waterways in Central and South            up. Even if it was, I’d need a larger tank to    only three fish.
America, I figured they’d be a great addi-
tion to my tank.                                  put the Green Severum in; a 22 litre quar-         Looking at the two surviving Green Terrors
                                                  antine tank isn’t going to cut it for a 25 cm    (two had likewise died during the week),
  I bought four of them, introduced them          fish! Therefore, it meant I’d have to treat the  and my longest-lived male Convict, I took
into my tank, and then spent the next cou-        whole tank.                                      a look at the two Green Terrors and realised
ple of days getting ready to go to Sweden.
Since I was going to be gone for a while,         Tur ns out that
I figured giving the tank a good thorough
cleaning and a larger-than-average water          would have to be
change would be good for all involved,
as well as a perfect time to introduce the        the main step any-
new fish. Now we fast-forward to Monday
evening, November 11th. As I came home            way, since when I
from work that day, my younger daughter
said “Dad, there’s something wrong with           got home, I noticed

                                                  that the signs of the

                                                  disease had spread

                                                  to several of my

                                                  Convicts as well.

                                                  With that, I started

                                                  measuring out the

                                                  medicine and dos-

                                                  ing the entire tank.

                                                  I also followed

                                                  the directions and

                                                  removed all of the

                                                  carbon and chemi- Heros efasciatus before the crash.                                                                                                21
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