Page 22 - iCC044-201501_March
P. 22

From Cichlidae communique #206 – Reprinted from Cichlidae communiqué, publication of the Pacific Coast Cichlid Association. Interested parties are
invited to write: PCCA, Membership Chairman, PO Box 28145, San Jose, CA 95159-8145 for more information.

Adventures In Failure:

Benign Neglect
vs Over-Reacting

Text and Photos by Michael Larsen

  This is a blog post I hoped I would never   without any jokes or colour commentary.                                                              The female Convict guarding over the fry.
have to write. To my tester friends, this     Yesterday, my 260 litre fish tank became a
has only peripheral relation to my testing    ghost town.                                                                                          in the way of tweaking and meddling on my
career, but it’s something I’ve been deal-                                                                                                         part, for years. That all changed Monday
ing with for the past several days, and it’s    This tank has been up and running, in                                                              the 11th of November, 2013.
taught me a few things, and reminded me       some way, shape and form, continuously,
once again of several things I thought I      with one major exception (for a swap-out                                                               Wait, let me step back another few days,
already knew. Normally, I take a somewhat     back in 2007 due to a ruptured seam) for                                                             to Saturday, November 2, 2013. That day,
self-deprecating tone with posts like this,   19 years. In that 19-year period, many fish                                                          I did something momentous, and poten-
but I’m really and seriously bummed about     have come and gone, for a variety of rea-                                                            tially provided the catalyst that started this
this, so I’m just going to tell it straight   sons (personal taste and interest, changes                                                           whole thing. On that day, I made a deci-
                                              in water chemistry moving from soft, acidic                                                          sion to end a decade-long experiment. I’d
The tank before the crash.                                                                                                                         kept a breeding colony of Convict Cichlids
                                                                            San Francisco to                                                       (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus) running in
                                                                            hard, alkaline San                                                     that tank for that time, and it was success-
                                                                            Bruno, etc).                                                           ful. In fact, it was too successful. I had run
                                                                                                                                                   out of tanks to house them, and shops
                                                                               Generations of                                                      willing to take them (even for free; I was
                                                                            fish have been born,                                                   flooding the local market with Convicts).
                                                                            grown, given away,                                                     With no more room to put them, I decided
                                                                            and repopulated to                                                     it was time to make a change. I kept
                                                                            other tanks. It was                                                    the largest and longest-lived males, sepa-
                                                                            a vibrant communi-                                                     rated out all of the females and juve-
                                                                            ty of predominantly                                                    niles, and with a final “special delivery” to
                                                                            cichlids, though it
                                                                            has housed other
                                                                            fish over the years
                                                                            as well. To put it
                                                                            simply, it’s run pret-
                                                                            ty much flawlessly,
                                                                            and without much

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