Page 18 - iCC044-201501_March
P. 18
Volume II Number 2
Another little bit of QUICKIE QUIZ
history for you:
On the left are the partial scientific names of
In the late spring of 1967
Albert J Klee conceived the certain fishes; on the right are their partial
idea of a brand new month-
ly publication, unique to the popular names. Match them up.
aquarium world. Physically, it
consisted of a single sheet of 1. everetti a. zebra
heavy stock, printed on both
sides, with spot-colour on the 2. rerio b. knife
first page and punched so that
it could be saved in a loose- 3. maronii c. tiger
leaf binder. No photographs
were used, but there was an 4. tetrazona d. clown
abundance of black and white
illustrations. 5. carapo e. keyhole
The publication was named (Answers on next page)
The Aquarist’s Notebook and
was sold in bulk to pet shops THIS COPY OF THE AQUARIST'S NOTEBOOK
and fish stores and distrib- COMPLIMENTS OF:
uted free to their customers.
The idea being that it would
encourage return business for
the shops and also provide
useful and interesting material
to their customers.
Space was provided at
the bottom of the first page
for the dealer to stamp the
name, address, and telephone
number of the establishment
distributing the publication.