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Glenn Briggs needs no introducƟon to Australian fishkeepers,                                                   Cichlid Press Australia

     starƟng fishkeeping in 1975 with a typical tropical community set up.                                        The Eastern Districts Aquarium Society
     His fishkeeping hobby grew in size and to assist in paying for fish
     Glenn took a job at the local aquarium store. This soon led to full Ɵme                 SPECIAL EVENT
     work with several aquarium retailers before he changed direcƟon and
     started work in the finance industry.                                        International
     AŌer being married in 1986, Glenn greatly expanded his fish keeping,      Cichlid Conference
  om of 50 aquaria, housing Cichlids, naƟves and killifish. Garden ponds
Ɵve fishes. His wife , Jenny soon realized there was no way to avoid fish         14th March 2015, in Brisbane
 er or blackworms in the fridge so she bought him his own fridge ! In
 rned to the aquarium trade working for many years at Aquarium Indus-                                              Featuring:
 atodi. At present he works part Ɵme at A.I. He sƟll maintains a large
 riums and ponds keeping especially Purple SpoƩed Gudgeons (Mogurnda          Ad Konings - Juan Miguel Artigas Azas - Spencer Jack
and Pygmy Perch. A foundaƟon member of ANGFA NaƟonal, Glenn has
 aƟon in the organisaƟon for many years, he was made a life member in

        Non-members $55.00 per person

Members EDAS/A S of V $40.00 per person

    BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL                                                                     at the Tavernetta Function Centre
                                                                                               144 Dorvile Road, Carseldine QLD
s and Bookings:
                                                                              Full Day Conference with Morning Tea, Afternoon
     Email:                                                                Tea, Lunch and Evening Meal.
hone Daryl : 9874 1850 0438 799933
hone John: 5429 1516 0407 513 549                                                Also includes Trade Room, Tea and
                                                                              Coffee throughout the day, Conference
   BSB 633-000 A/C No. 124299744
                                                                                       Shirt and Lucky Door Prizes.
e generosity of the following organisaƟons is gratefully acknowledged
                                                                                ClubAM.Se.mobferVs. $H1a3l0l a…nd2$915G0rafonrtnSotnr-emeetmCbleifrtso.n Hill
for their support in making this event possible:
                                                                                   Co-Ordinator: Sue Broadbent 0409639603 or
stricts Aquarium Society.     The Aquarium Society of Victoria
                                                                                   SaturdsaueyeMlleanrb. r7otah d2b0e1n5t@~gm9.a3il0.caomm to 6.30 pm
stralia  Cristys Spit Roasts                      Cranbourne Aquariums

bscape Aquariums Coburg Aquariums Aquarium Industries

Hall : Melway Ref: 2 C K 2                        Postcode: 3068
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