Page 10 - iCC044-201501_March
P. 10

We assembled a database of known fos-            based on (i) the fossil records of Gond-              PRODUCT
sil occurrences of cichlids on Gondwanan         wanan landmasses currently inhabited by               EFFICACY
landmasses based on the literature               cichlids (South and Central America includ-
(see electronic supplementary material).         ing the Caribbean, Africa, Madagascar,                 ALERT!
Different geological formations (or localities   India, Arabia; cichlid fossils are known from
where there is no formalized lithostrati-        all of these regions except Madagascar                   IMPORTANT
graphic framework) were assumed to               and India), and (ii) these records combined           NOTICE TO ALL
represent distinct sampling horizons. The        with those of Australia and Antarctica,
function for the potential recovery of fos-      former Gondwanan landmasses that lack                  eOWNERS OF
sil cichlids was estimated by tabulating         cichlids but would be predicted to have
the number of sedimentary horizons (for-         once been inhabited by the group under                  THE Cichlid
mations or localities) that meet three key       the vicariance hypothesis. For both, we
criteria. First, candidate deposits must         calculated CIs based on the record of all               COLLECTION
be present on former Gondwanan land-             cichlid fossils and estimated range exten-
masses. Second, candidate deposits must          sions based on articulated cichlid remains            Due to improvements
represent freshwater environments. Third,        alone combined with appropriate recov-                      to the way we
candidate deposits must have the potential       ery potential functions generated from the
to yield fossils of cichlids, were this group    subset of deposits that yield complete fish           publish, all previously
present. Sites yielding fish fossils (includ-    specimens. This modified procedure is                    issued discs, and
ing but not restricted to cichlids)meet this     more conservative and reflects the very real
final criterion. The nature of fossils (articu-  possibility that the earliest cichlids might           USB drives are now
lated or fragmentary) from sites satisfy-        be recognized only on the basis of articu-                  obsolescent.
ing these conditions was also recorded.          lated remains, as their isolated fragments
Because of uncertainty surround-                 might be too character-poor, too general-                 Which means that they will
ing age assessments, uniform recov-              ized or both to permit reliable taxonomic                continue to work, but it is no
ery potential was assumed within each            attributions.                                           longer possible to update the
epoch-level stratigraphic bin, with rela-                                                              collection by simply adding files
tive recovery potential given by the num-        (b) Estimating time of evolutionary origin using the    to the existing structure, and
ber of candidate horizons present in a           distribution of ages of outgroups to cichlids            that is not how it should be.
given interval divided by its duration.
Ambiguity surrounds the age of many                Hedman [18] devised a Bayesian                       So, if you own the collection on
freshwater deposits. In this study,              approach for constraining the time of ori-               disc or USB you can acquire
imprecisely dated deposits are given their       gin of a clade based on the distribution                a completely up-to-date 8GB
oldest plausible age. This approach sys-         of stratigraphic ages of successive out-                 USB drive for only $5 (which
tematically biases analysis towards older        groups. This method requires that out-
age estimates for the time of clade origin,      groups appear in the fossil record in an               barely recovers the cost of the
thereby providing a more generous test           order matching phylogeny and that they                            upgraded drive).
of the Gondwanan vicariance hypothesis.          pre-date or are contemporary with the first
These data were used to generate point           appearance of the focal clade. Such perfect             If you can’t make it to a meeting, e-mail
estimates and 95% CIs for cichlid origin         congruence is rare in empirical examples,         and we’ll
                                                 and we adopt a proposed solution that                             arrange something for you.
                                                 conservatively excludes inconsistent ages.
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