Page 14 - iCC044-201501_March
P. 14

gin of the group, but our time-calibrat-       ing phylogenies (e.g. bootstrap resam-          lution reject Gondwanan vicariance as a
ed phylogeny permits investigation of the      pling scores or Bayesian posterior prob-        viable mechanism for the modern distri-
timing of deep divergences within the clade    abilities). We also note that some phyloge-     bution of the group, but they demand what
(table 1). We estimate the divergence of       netic hypotheses derive from successive         can only be considered a series of highly
South American and African cichlids as         reweighting exercises [39], while others        unlikely transoceanic dispersal events. Like
Eocene, with the origin of the African         assume restricted placement of fossil           the fossil record, the salinity tolerance of
cichlid crown within the same interval.        species prior to analysis [13]. There is        cichlids has been subjected to contrasting
This is consistent with the placement          no doubt that Lumbrera cichlids are sig-        interpretations; it has been cited as both
of the middle Eocene (approx. 46 Ma)           nificant on account of their antiquity and      consistent [12] and inconsistent [10] with
†Mahengechromis as an early crown pseu-        geographical provenance. However, in the        marine dispersal. Experimental evidence
docrenilabrine [12]. By contrast, our esti-    absence of demonstrably robust phyloge-         points to high salinity tolerance in some
mated Eocene-Oligocene age for the South       netic placements of these fossil lineages       cichlids [50,51], but the fact that no cichlid
American cichlid crown contradicts pub-        within a group well known for convergent        inhabits the open ocean indicates that long-
lished interpretations of the fossil cichlids  morphological evolution [42], their exact       distance marine migration is improbable.
from the ‘Faja Verde’ level of the Lumbrera    implications for the timing of major events     Dispersal across the south Atlantic would
Formation of Argentina. These fossils are      in cichlid evolution are likely to remain       appear to be especially unlikely, given
often cited as early-middle Eocene in age      ambiguous.                                      that it measured roughly 1000 km [52]
[13,38,39], leading to calibration minima of                                                   in width by the time of the inferred diver-
49 Ma in recent molecular clock studies [6].   (c) Comparison with other putative examples of  gence between South American and
However, the hard minimum for the age          Gondwanan vicariance                            African cichlids in the Eocene (figure 1).
of these fossils is 33.9 Ma, which derives                                                     Despite the presence of a substantial
from radiometric dating of overlying tuff        Among vertebrates assumed to have lim-        marine barrier, it is clear that at least
layers [40]. This more appropriate minimum     ited dispersal ability across marine barriers,  two groups of terrestrial mammals — pri-
age estimate only partially reconciles our     cichlids are not unique in showing a broad      mates and hystricognath rodents — dis-
time scale with previous phylogenetic inter-   distribution across southern landmasses         persed from Africa to South America at
pretations of the Lumbrera cichlids, each      combined with a fossil record that com-         approximately this time [53]. More gener-
of which has been placed within the South      mences long after the tectonic break-up of      ally, there is strong evidence from other
American crown in association with specific    Gondwana. Several groups of freshwater          animal groups and plants for surprisingly
cichline tribes (†Protocara as either a geo-   fishes, reptiles, mammals and plants show       high levels of biotic interchange between
phagine or a stem member of an unnamed         disjunct distributions, with members pre-       South America and Africa throughout the
clade comprising Chaetobranchini, Geo-         sent in South America and Africa, but only      Late Cretaceous and Palaeogene [54,55].
phagini, Cichlasomatini and Heroini [39,41];   a few instances seem definitively attribut-     Geological evidence indicates the pres-
†Gymnogeophagus eocenicus as phylo-            able to driftbased vicariance [14,43,44].       ence of a chain of now-submerged islands
genetically nested within a living genus       Instead, molecular clock analyses for a         across the south Atlantic during the
[38]; and †Plesioheros as a crown heroine      range of groups with apparent vicariant         Palaeogene [52]. These islands coincided
[13]). It is difficult to evaluate confidence  distributions across southern continents        with strong east-to-west palaeocurrents
in the evolutionary relationships proposed     [45-48] paint a picture of widespread           across the south Atlantic and both have
for these fossils because published anal-      ‘pseudo-congruence’, where similar bio-         been invoked as key elements of a selec-
yses using morphological data do not           geographic patterns originate at different      tive dispersal route from Africa to South
provide support for nodes in accompany-        times that may be disjunct with the age         America during the Eocene [12,52]. It is
                                               of specific palaeogeographic events [49].
                                               Our consistent time scales for cichlid evo-

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