Page 13 - iCC044-201501_March
P. 13

Based on the timing of Gondwanan frag-         4. Discussion                                    horizons or our database of outgroup-
mentation events, crown cichlids should                                                         based age constraints. We interpret the
occur in the Early Cretaceous or Late          (a) Congruence between palaeontological and      convergence of these three semi-inde-
Jurassic [3,6,9,10]; however, the Bayesian     molecular time scales for cichlid evolution      pendent approaches, which all deliver age
random local molecular-clock analyses                                                           estimates for cichlids that are within error
place the origin of the modern cichlid           The application of two contrasting pal-        of one another, as a consequence of genu-
radiation near the Cretaceous-                 aeontological approaches in calculating          ine evolutionary signal that strongly contra-
Palaeogene boundary (figure 1 and              temporal range extensions yields strikingly      dicts the time scales for cichlids demanded
table 1; electronic supplementary mate-        congruent time scales for cichlid evolution.     by hypotheses of Gondwanan vicariance.
rial, figure S1), with a mean age esti-        Both methods provide point estimates for
mate of 64.9 Ma (95% CI: 57.3-76.0 Ma).        the origin of the group that range between       (b) The timing of cichlid diversification: congruence
The estimated age of the most recent           57 and 60 Ma (Palaeocene), and strongly          and incongruence
common ancestor (MRCA) of cichlids             reject the possibility that crown cichlids
and their sister lineage, Pholidichthys, is    are sufficiently old to have been affected         Our estimates for the time of cichlid
also younger (mean: 103.7 Ma; 95% CI:          by the initial rifting of Gondwana. Instead,     origin are congruent not only with one
92.0-118.4 Ma) than the initial rifting of     upper limits for the origin of cichlids lie      another, but also with previous molecular
Gondwana at approximately 135 Ma [11].         consistently within the late Late Cretaceous.    time scales for the evolution of this group
The mean estimated age of the MRCA of          This congruence is particularly compelling       that do not assume a Gondwanan vicari-
the African and Neotropical cichlids was       because the methods that yielded these           ance scenario a priori [4,5,28-33]. The old-
46.4 Ma (95% CI: 40.9-54.9 Ma), post-dat-      comparable results share only one similar-       est such estimates from previous work
ing the final separation of Africa and South   ity in their calculations: both are constrained  are early Late Cretaceous [3], pre-dating
America by more than 40 Myr. The cichlid       by the minimum age for cichlids as imposed       our proposed time of origin by roughly
time tree confirms ages estimated in previ-    by the oldest fossil example of the group.       35-45 Myr. However, these more ancient
ous studies for the east African [26] (mean:   Our molecular time tree provides a               dates derived from analysis of mitochon-
8.0 Ma; 95%CI: 6.9-9.5 Ma) and Cameroon        mean estimate for the timing of cich-            drial sequences, which are characterized
crater lake Barombi Mbo [27] radiations        lid origin in the Palaeocene, but can-           by high rates of nucleotide substitution that
(mean: 1.4 Ma; 95%CI: 0.8-2.3 Ma), verify-     not reject the possibility that the group        might bias clock analyses towards older
ing relatively young ages for these remark-    arose as early as the Late Cretaceous.           estimated times of divergence [25,34-36].
able examples of adaptive radiation (figure    This result is consistent with other recent      Generally, the only molecular-clock analy-
1 and table 1; electronic supplementary        molecular-clock estimates for the origin of      ses to deliver time scales consistent with
material, figure S2). The age estimate in the  cichlids that do not assume Gondwanan            the predictions of the vicariance hypoth-
10 nuclear gene inferred time tree closest     vicariance for the group a priori, and which     esis were themselves calibrated using a
to the timing of Gondwanan fragmentation       range in age from Late Cretaceous to             combination of age constraints from the
is that of the inclusive (mean: 123.5 Ma;      Eocene [28-33]. In terms of point estimates      fossil record and Gondwanan fragmenta-
95% CI: 111.4-136.2 Ma), but unnamed,          and surrounding uncertainty, our revised         tion events [3,5,6,37]. There is no pub-
percomorph clade that contains more than       molecular time scale is entirely consistent      lished relaxed-molecular-clock analysis
one-quarter of all living vertebrate species   with the ages derived from analyses of the       that results in an Early Cretaceous or
(approx. 16 570 species), including cichlids   fossil record alone (figure 1). It is important  Jurassic origin of cichlids that is inde-
(see electronic supplementary material, fig-   to note that our relaxed-molecular-clock         pendent of the ages implied by the timing
ure S2).                                       analysis shares no palaeontological data         of the fragmentation of western Gondwana.
                                               in common with either our analysis of            Our palaeontological time scales
                                               the distribution of cichlid-bearing fossil       for Cichlidae constrain only the ori-                                                                             11
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